Early Life

Samuel Alex Kargbo ( alias General Depoh) was born on the 1st of August 1985 and raised in Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone. He attended the Schlenker Secondary School – Port Loko where he sat to the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination in 2003 and later proceeded to study Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Government Technical Institute. Samuel Alex Kargbo is a father of two sons.

Samuel Alex Kargbo is a screenwriter, movie director, producer, actor, stand-up comedian, and a recording artist.
Samuel Alex Kargbo


Samuel Alex Kargbo is a screenwriter, movie director, producer, actor, stand-up comedian, and recording artist. He started his filmmaking career as a scriptwriter and went on to become a director and an actor as his skills grew. He has written, directed, and produced about four movies so far since his debut into the Sierra Leone movie industry.

He currently works for the Electricity Generation and Transmission Company while pursuing a Higher National Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the College of Management and Administration at the Makeni Campus.


Avengers, Agony of an Orphan, Blood Battle, 21 Days, Nayeasy,

By imageSALONE

African Filmmakers' Diary